The halal industry is poised to become a $3 trillion powerhouse by 2025. This...
What is ‘Marketing Funnel’ or not?
Either because of your job or because of your curiosity, you have done marketing research and you have come across a concept that is often repeated: Funnel.
Funnel is used in marketing as a model that shows the process of customers buying the product or service step by step. In this way, it concretely shows the process from the moment customers encounter the product or service to the point where they buy that product or service. With the systematic method, you gain a better understanding of customers; you take the necessary precautions and strategies to convert their behaviour into sales.
The funnel can give the answers to hundreds of questions that will occur in your mind, such as: Does the advertising campaign you have prepared attract people’s attention? Are people affected by your campaign and researching you? What is the tracking rate? Is your product or service purchased thanks to this campaign? What kind of feedback is received after the purchase?
There are several different funnel stages resulting from the funnel systems prepared by each marketer. However, the process takes place in five stages:
- Awareness
- Interest Arousal
- Evaluation
- Sales
- Commitment
- In the awareness phase, it is ensured that your customers are aware of your brand. For this reason, you should introduce yourself to people at this point where you have the widest audience access. Therefore, it will be useful to use general content and more simple and understandable messages. Let people, your potential customers, know what you do.
- At the stage of arousing interest, people know what you do. Now you need to give them detailed but at the same time intriguing messages about your product or service. You can consider emphasizing the points that distinguish you from your competitors and your strengths.
- The evaluation stage is the last stage before the sale. People who are interested in you decide whether or not to refer you at this point. It is obvious that people who come to this stage need your product, so you may need to give a few encouraging messages to buy it.
- Finally, we are at the sales stage, one of the most critical points. The whole process is set up correctly and the purchase is about to take place, but you still need to be careful. Because canceled sales transactions on the payment page are not to be underestimated. Many factors such as credit card options, installments, and shipping fees should be taken care of before reaching this stage.
- At the commitment stage, your sale has now taken place, but you are at the point where everything is not over. Because if you want sales to continue and be repeated and even recommended by people, you have to create brand loyalty. Small and low-cost steps such as established communication, small promotions, and personalized gestures create great loyalty.